Barbecue Boss

It’s coming, he knows it is. Summer Sun and Fun, Barbecue Boss! He wears that badge proudly in his neighborhood. Why shouldn’t he? No one compares to the way he can cook and grill, let alone the way he takes charge in that apron and hat!

The Barbecue Boss knows his stuff.

He might start thinking about that honorary first grill of the season even when the snow is still on the ground. Also, there wasn’t anything wrong with sending out invitations to the cookout tucked in with the Christmas Cards. He beat Paul this time!

Longing for the chance to show off his skills, he loves the competition of a Grill Master Contest, a Ribeye Roundup, Ham Jam BBQ, any sort of festival! What he loves the most is using this Southern Style Barbecue Sauce because it’s a sure winner. He’s tempted to put it in a locked safe in the refrigerator, that’s how serious he is about THIS SAUCE!!

There’s no reason he shouldn’t be fired up and ready to sizzle. He’s the Barbecue Boss!!

First things first. He needs to get the yard ready for action. You would think this is a big hassle, but he’s already on the ball with the yard work. He’s picking up those twigs and leaves while glancing over the fence to see if Harold is ahead of him. Nope, he doesn’t even have the covers off of his patio furniture yet. Good.

He thinks all is well. No one’s going to beat him in this neighborhood! Then he hears it. The unmistakable sound of someone’s lawn mower starting up. Stopping a swear word, he listens closely and determines it’s coming from two, maybe three houses down. Too close. The Barbecue Boss has to turn into the Lawn Ranger, pronto.

That was a close call. However, with some quick thinking and help from his wife and kids, all is well. His front yard is close to perfect. Now back to the back yard!

There stands the grill…

It will take as long as necessary to make it shine and sparkle for the festivities of the first cookout of the season. Of course, he doesn’t actually talk to his prized grill. But if he did, he’d call it by name. Duke.

Harold peeks over the fence and asks him if Duke is ready. Okay, so maybe he does talk to his grill a little. Out loud.

Later that night, at his computer, he’s grinning from ear to ear as he fills the cart with the BEST STEAKS and MEATS. He already knows these are the best because he and his wife enjoyed a magnificent Anniversary Dinner a few weeks ago. With the Wine of the Month Addition, a few candles and soft music, it was a definite hit all the way around.

Barbecue Boss Day!

barbecue boss

At long last, he’s in the spotlight and grilling up a storm. Ribeye, Sirloin Steaks, chicken, he has it all. He’ll even put ordinary hot dogs on for the kids. Laughing as he sees his buddies arguing over a baseball game, he ends the friendly fight as he announces that it’s ready. Soon after, he has to add that it’s ladies first! Smiling fondly as his wife and the other ladies sip Fine Wine from their Glasses, he knows how blessed he truly is. Love is alive.

barbecue boss